
Network Services

Focused on providing all your business it service solutions



has successfully supported businesses it services needs


When you select us as your IT Services provider you are choosing a company with proven experience in the industry with top quality professionals geared towards ensuring that your businesses vital systems work flawlessly. 

When you are looking for an IT Services provider, often times it is because something is broken that you need fixed. These can be highly stressful times. That is why it is so very important to hire a company that you know will be able to resolve the issues quickly and correctly. 

Experience is hugely important in this field and we have over 25 years of it. We are ready to help!

Contact us, when you are ready to be supported by the best in the industry!

Services We offer

Remote Support

We offer full service IT solutions to satisfy your Business IT Services requirements. Below is a general list of services that we provide, however there are many more services that we offer. If you don’t see what you are looking for in the list, the odds still very good that we can fulfill your request/requirements.

Live – In Person Support

With over 30 years of experience immersed in IT environments we have the right staff to support your business!


  • Server Build / Config / Repair
  • Desktop Build / Config / Repair
  • Laptop Config / Repair
  • Printer / Scanner Install & Config
  • Equipment Upgrade Support
  • Hardware Troubleshooting
  • Repair Services


  • Windows Server Maintenance
  • MS Exchange Mail Server
  • Active Directory Support
  • App Development (C# & VB)
  • Backup (On & Offsite) Solutions
  • MS Office Support
  • Various Software Support


  • Main to Remote Office Connect
  • Remote Access / VPN Support
  • Network Design & Maintenance
  • Wired / Wireless Connectivity
  • Cabling - Fiber & CAT*
  • Firewall Install & Config
  • Router/Switch Install & Config

IT Service Mgmt

  • Information Security
  • IT Support Services
  • Moves / Adds / Changes
  • Collaboration Services
  • Equipment Purchasing & Planning
  • Inventory Control, Logging, & Planning


  • Website Design / Maintenance
  • E-Commerce Solutions
  • Data Center and Cloud Services
  • Security Camera Systems
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • New Office Design & Prep
  • Technology Deployment Services

Whatever your IT Services requirements are we can help!

Again, If you don’t see what you are looking for in the list, don’t be discouraged! The odds still very good that we can fulfill your request/requirements!

We are a small company... Do we really need IT Management Services?

The question isn't really whether or not you need an IT Services Provider.

The real question is, can you live without one?

The first question to ask yourself is “Do we depend on our technology working correctly to run our business?”

What are examples of “technology”? Computers, phone systems, databases, network environment (computers connecting to other computers or servers), secure internet access, email, maintained customer lists, online services, printing functionality, point of sale, security systems, etc.

If the answer to that question is “yes, we depend on our technology to properly run our business” than the answer to whether or not you need Professional IT Management Services is likely “yes” as well.

“but can we afford it?” – The answer to that question is also very likely “yes”. UltraTech Network Services, LLC has many plans ranging from hourly support to reduced cost maintenance contracts. In short, we have the plan to fit your budget… whatever your budget may be!

What type of IT Provider Services are best for our size of business?

All business’s are not created the same. That is why we would love the opportunity to meet with you in person to gain a better understanding of what your unique business needs are and how we could help to achieve your goals. We are here to support your business and take pride in being a part of your growth.

We offer a wide range of solutions to best fit your needs ranging from “on call” Hourly charged support to dedicated time blocks in monthly contracts affording you the opportunity of reduced hourly rates in a variety of monthly time block packages.

We would love to meet with you to help determine what level of services would best fulfill your requirements with the most cost effective solution to satisfy your businesses unique needs.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help protect your investments in your business by becoming your Dedicated Professional IT Services Provider!

Is it a good idea to have an employee take on the IT duties for our business?

Very likely the answer this question is “NO!” (Unless they are an IT Services Professional)

In our experience we see this scenario play out a LOT. Let’s face it, hired IT services can appear to be expensive… at least until you consider the alternative. A lot of small to medium sized businesses tend to go with the philosophy “Hey, John (employee X) has some free time in his schedule from his normal duties, let’s have him handle the IT things for us, he’s pretty good with computers.” 

There can be many problems that arise with that scenario though. Inevitably as your business grows, so will your IT needs. This will mean that “John” will have less and less time to work on the original duties that he was hired for. Right now, you’re thinking to yourself, “that’s ok… we will just hire another employee to fill the role that John used to do.” But there is a problem with that as well. First of all, training. John will need to train the new employee to fill his previous role. But more importantly than that, we find that “John” (employee X) usually isn’t trained in IT, and because of that tends makes costly mistakes that won’t be discovered until later and much more difficult to unravel. A seasoned IT Professional has learned through experience the importance of good documentation, work flows, procedures, accounts lists, contact lists, etc. making any actions taken much easier to follow, track and correct.

Another problem with having “John” (employee X) who isn’t an IT professional, handle your IT needs is training and experience. Sure, it may “feel” like you are saving money, because John’s salary is below, or perhaps even well below a IT Professional’s salary, but in reality John is likely costing you more. He/She may be putting your business at  greater risk than an IT Professional would at no fault of his/her own. It’s just plain and simple lack of experience. 

Also, what may take a seasoned IT Professional minutes to accomplish, may take John hours… Because first he has to research HOW to do what needs to be done. In the long run, John (employee X) is more often than not MORE EXPENSIVE than hiring the right person in the first place. 

But “hiring” a full time dedicated IT Professional can be expensive and may not be necessary… That is where we come in. We offer service packages ranging from Hourly Support to Dedicated Contract Monthly Maintenance Agreements. This enables us to be the perfect IT Services Solution for your growing business. 

Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help protect your investments in your business by becoming your Professional IT Services Provider!

Do we need a server, a cloud based solution, a combination of both, or nothing at all?

There are a LOT of real advantages of having a server in your business, even for a small office. However, we also do not believe in “over selling” you just to increase our profits. We believe in providing honest and quality recommendations to our clients. When we make recommendations for purchases to a business, the first question we ask ourselves is “if this was our business, would we invest in this purchase?

Whether or not you actually need a server is truly something that would need to be looked at in detail with all considerations in mind. Some general questions to get you started though would be:

1) Do you require secure file sharing?

2) Do you require shared printing services?

3) Do you require a secure network environment where you can control access to what employees can access over the network?

4) Do you want a centralized location to store and backup important files for your business?

5) Do you want to handle your e-mail exchange internally rather than on a hosted solution?

6) Do you need access to your remote (server shared) files even if the “internet is down”?

7) There are many more additional factors to consider…

And keep in mind, in house servers are not the only solution to some of these requirements anymore. Cloud based services are growing in popularity and prices are becoming more and more reasonable.

The bottom line? EVERY businesses situation, needs, and requirements are different. But we would love to help you walk the road map of making this important decision for your business. 

Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help protect your investments in your business by becoming your Professional IT Services Provider!

How hard is it to replace our current IT Provider with you?

No matter what reason is for looking for a change, we would be happy to work with your existing IT Services provider to ensure the most seamless transition possible. 

First, we will meet with you discretely and will consult with you to put an action plan together to SAFELY move from your old IT Provider to us. Our primary focus will be on safeguarding and protecting your business during this transition to avoid any disruptions in business while replacing your old IT Provider.

Then, comes the way that we conduct our business. We believe in total transparency. Everything gets documented and ALL information will always be available to you upon request. From day 1, we will build a properly documented profile of your business IT environment and fully document any actions that we take. Some IT providers seem to hold their clients hostage. We prefer to always perform at 100% and beyond so that you want us to continue to support you.

When you are ready to transition away from your current IT provider to something MUCH BETTER… we will be ready to open that discussion with you and we look forward to showing you how a truly high quality support firm can help you as you grow your business!

Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help protect your investments in your business by becoming your Professional IT Services Provider!

Why should we choose UltraTech Network Services to support us?

Because we care. Because we prioritize positive customer service above making a buck. Because we understand that without your success we are not successful. We have the education and more importantly the seasoned experience to support your business with confidence. It is our greatest joy being the business you can count on to ensure that your business technology runs smoothly and to get you back on track when it doesn’t!

Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help protect your investments in your business by becoming your Professional IT Services Provider!