Can you help us lock out our previous IT Service Provider?

The short answer is "YES", we can help protect and safeguard your business.

Fortunately, it is rare that an outside vendor or employee will ever do anything intentionally to cause your business harm, but it's always best to be safe and operate under the assumption that "they might". As they say, it's better to be safe than sorry. 

We often find that this question follows directly another question that we get asked and have addressed in this FAQ of "how hard is it to replace our current IT Provider with you?"

If you feel that things may be at risk, then we need to get into action fast. We will start by meeting with you discretely and privately to discuss a plan and outline your needs so that we can begin safeguarding your business. We will likely start by getting a complete backup of your system and storing it in a safe location followed by a rapid lock-down of your vital systems and extraction of access of whoever you feel may be a risk. We will then begin extensive detailed research into your environment to insure that there are no hidden back doors or dependent processes that could be exploited, followed by an action plan and execution on cleaning your access allowances, and putting an action plan in place to prevent the possibility of breaches in the future. 

No company should ever feel they are being held hostage or fear ransom to protect their business. We take pride in our transparency to our clients and look forward to showing you what being supported by a great IT Services Provider can be like. 

Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help protect your investments in your business by becoming your Professional IT Services Provider!