How hard is it to replace our current IT Provider with UltraTech Network Services, LLC?

This is a question that we get asked very often. And the reason is almost always disheartening. Unfortunately all IT Providers are NOT created equally. Unfortunately often times when we get asked this question it is because they feel like they are being "held hostage" by their current IT Provider. Sometimes when we are asked this question it is followed up by the following question that we have also covered in this FAQ.

It is an unfortunate reality that there are some IT Providers out there who will guard your companies IT information closely, even from you, the owners. The reason they do this is often because they feel that they can lock you into "needing" to continue to use their service. To be blunt... this activity makes us sick. This type of hostage control should never happen. And with us, you are guaranteed that it won't. 

First, to answer the question, when you are ready to regain control of your IT information, we will be happy to help. We will meet with you discretely and will will consult with you to put an action plan together to SAFELY move from your old IT Provider to us. Our primary focus will be on safeguarding and protecting your business during this transition to avoid any disruptions in business while replacing your old IT Provider.

Then, comes the way that we conduct our business. We believe in total transparency. EVERYTHING gets documented and ALL information will ALWAYS be available to you upon request. From day 1, we will build a properly documented profile of your business IT environment. When we service your business and document our actions we do so from the very beginning with the consideration in mind that "we may not be your IT Service provider forever, and we want to make sure that when and if, for whatever reason, we ever transition out, we leave you completely whole with ALL of your important information related to your IT environment, ready to transfer to your future provider." We do this because we are confidant in our service and abilities. We are confidant that as long as we continue to do a great job for you, you will WANT to keep us around, not "have" to keep us around.

We don't want to have clients who feel they are held hostage. We want to have clients that look forward to us helping them. And the reality is, at some point in the future, hopefully your business will grow to the point that you need to hire a full time IT Professional. We will rejoice in this success with you and will help make that transition as smooth as possible. We know full well the value of not "burning bridges" and will look forward to you reaching out to us when/if you need supplemental support for your initiates.

When you are ready to transition away from your current IT provider to something MUCH BETTER... we will be ready to open that discussion with you and we look forward to showing you how a truly high quality support firm can help you as you grow your business!

Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help protect your investments in your business by becoming your Professional IT Services Provider!